Today is:
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives complete ... (Roger Caras)
  NEWS 2024                                                                                                                  
We have "GREEN" baby boy available for reservation
Yes I Am Victory Artemis Gold
Další chovný pes z AG - *MAX*Unreal Tyson Ballou Artemis Gold  - TABULKA ODCHOVY ZDE
Olinka becomes candidate for the JuniorINTERCHAMPION title
Puppies were born to Nelson and Bella at Bella´s Golden Grace kennel - more HERE
Tiffany and her siblings from litter *T* AG celebrate their 4 st Birthday
On Shakirka´s bithday on November 4, 2024, we welcomed the litter*Y*Artemis Gold
Volnost, revír ... tohle je pro nás nejvíc ... * Penny * Gabby * Samy * Nelson * Niké 
Siblings Mia and Sunny - great success at the RožmberkCup - more HERE
MIA*Queen Cleopatra Artemis Gold
SUNNY*Quijote de La Mancha Artemis Gold
(Thevenet Pure Passion X Lindsay Lohan Artemis Gold)
In the forest again ... * Nelson * Gabby * Penny * Samy
In kennel z Měsíčních plání have puppies (Nelson and Eimi)  - more HERE
2x SRA Deutscher Retriever Club Velden
12.10.2024*SRA DRC Pegnitztalschau in Velden DE
Rozhodčí:  Nieminen Kirsi (Finland)
13.10.2024*SRA Deutscher Retriever Club DRC*Velden*Oberfrankenschau DE
Rozhodčí: Uwe Nölke (D)
PENNY*Up and coming Star Artemis Gold
V1 Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH /CAC DRC BEST Working
BESTER Gebrauchshund of Bred
Best Adult Female Sieger Pegnitztal
V1 Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH /CAC DRC BEST Working Bester Gebrauchshund of Bred
SANTI*Santiago Calatrava Artemis Gold
čekatel titulu CH D (VDH) a CH D (DRC)
Oliver is already celebrating his 11th birthday - card HERE - All the BEST!
27. - 29.9.2024 Kyselka KVZPR KCHLS
Klubové všestranné zkoušky přinášení retrieverů
Siblings Mia and Sunny in KVZPR Kyselka - Mia Winner of exams - more HERE
MIA*Queen Cleopatra Artemis Gold 519 b. 1 st. prize CACT 1 st place
Trials Winner*Best Field* Best Forest
(Thevenet Pure Passion X Lindsay Lohan Artemis Gold)
SUNNY*Quijote de La Mancha Artemis Gold 466 b. 6. place
(Thevenet Pure Passion X Lindsay Lohan Artemis Gold)
Siblings  Mia a Sunny
21. - 22.9.2024 Club show Retrievers KCHLS Praha Džbán
judge Bob Lane (GB) and  judge Ray Strudwick (GB)
Our breedings completed mandatory exhibitions.
All are in standard
All have a measured height, all have full teeth and have a scissor bite.
and Rocky (V2 Res. CAC) and Olinka (V1 VT and V3) were also in the order
Thanks for the presentation and congratulations
V1 CAC 1/5 Res. CACIB judge Olga Dolejšová
Penny is candidate title CHAMPION CZ

XVI. Západočeské derby Kyselka-Radošov 7. - 8. 9. 2024 * KPZ CACT a KZVP CACT

Thank you for great presentation of our breedings, believe me, it's a beautiful feeling 
Queen Cleopatra AG PZ II. cena VZ I. cena Res. CACT v DERBY 6. místo
Tim Walter Burton AG PZ I. cena VZ I. cena v DERBY 7. místo
Santiago Calatrava AG PZ I. cena CACT VZ III. cena v DERBY 11. místo
Ultra Star Ben Hill AG PZ I. cena
Quijote de La Mancha AG VZ I. cena
Upton Kate Spade AG PZ II.cena
Black day for AG - Lizzie pcrossed the Rainbow Bridge ... R.I.P. Lizzy
Lindsay Lohan Artemis Gold *23.04.2011 - +9.9.2024
Uluru Ayers Rock Artemis Gold
(Alubyc Bom Bom Bombadee x Queen Victoria Artemis Gold)
Rocky passed hunting test OMS Prague
Rocky thus becomes another usable hunting dog from AG
Gaby in the water - photos and videos  HERE and HERE
Olinka - Xenie Lexx Artemis Gold - CACIB Mladá Boleslav - excellent 3
MIKEE - Thevenet Pure Passion has Birthday - wish HERE
Mia defended for the third time in the Mountfieldcup KCHLS competition - retriever section awards:
BEST WORK bitch Golden Retriever
Nelson is officially the German CHAMPION DRC
Olinka*Xenie Lexx AG - first time at the show*V1 CAJC JBOB - BEST young Golden Retriever

Samantha Fox Artemis Gold "U"
KPZ  -  I price 7 place


                  FOTO 22.05.2024 VIDEO                          

Nelson Golden Victory is DEUTCHER CHAMPION

Just by the water ... happy dods - PHOTO - PHOTO

2. Nationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung Rieden, OT Kreuth am 1.6.2024 Res. CAC(VDH)-R = CAC
3. Nationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung Rieden, OT Kreuth am 2.6.2024 Res. CAC(VDH)-R = CAC
In Kennel ESENTIAL BEAUTY was born puppies
more information HERE  or  Martina Suková
"MIA" - DERBY ČR (nominations 2023) - I price Res. CACT 4 place - more HERE

18.5. - 19.5.2024 Club shows KCHLS Humpolec 2024

PROGENY AG also traditionally presented themselves at these show

breeding seccesses AG - reportage and videos HERE

They were all awarded the EXCELLENT mark with beautiful reviews
Uluru Ayers Rock Artemis Gold
(Alubyc Bom Bom Bombadee x Queen Victoria Artemis Gold)
V1 CAC z 25/ V2 Res. CAC z 20
Rocky becomes Champion CZ and KCHLS Club Champion
NIKÉ celebrating his 7 th birthday - wishes HERE
PENNY*Up and coming Star Artemis Gold
4.5.2024Phoebe Jane Tonkin Artemis Gold scelebrating his 9 th birthday - wishes HERE
Mia - KZPR-  III price - more HERE
Samantha performed KZPR - I price 4 th place  - more HERE
Viktor Artemis Gold                                     Ultra Star Ben Hill Artemis Gold        
Alubyc Bom Bom Bombadee & Queen Cleopatra AG                                     Alubyc Bom Bom Bombadee & Queen Victoria AG        
I price                                      II price        
CACT  Winner                                              
Nelson and Tiffy - ECVO - clear!
Nelson Golden Victory - ECVO - negative  04/2024 - HERE
Tiffany & Co Artemis Gold - ECVO - negative  04/2024 - HERE
BIG day - Lizzie - Lindsay Lohan AG celebrating his 13th birthday - wishes HERE and HERE
Nelson - 2x SRA DRC Stechendorf
20.04.2024*SRA DRC - Stechendorf Day 1 - "1. SRA Stechendorf" DE
Judge:  Rocchi Daila Croatia
21.4.2024*SRA DRC - 1. SRA Fränkische Schweiz DE
Judge: Claudia Berchtold AT

Nelson Golden Victory

V1 Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH /CAC DRC BEST Working
BESTER Gebrauchshund of Bred
BEST in Show Working
V1 Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH /CAC DRC BEST Working Bester Gebrauchshund of Bred
video - video - video - video
Very pretty princess is emerging from Gaby - Xena Princess Artemis Gold - 10 months
Samantha and siblings today his birthday - wishes HERE
In kennel z Měsíčních plání have puppies (Nelsonov and Jessyca)  - more HERE
In kennel Třetí Dimenze have puppies (Nelsonov and Toni) - more HERE
In kennel z Měsíčních plání have puppies (Nelson and DeeoGee)  - more HERE
CH Nelson Golden Victory 3x Nitra 2024 SKJ FCI
Nitradog Pribina Cup 2024 Nitra SK FCI
for the first time in the champion class
V1 V2 Res. CAC V3
18.02.2024 judge Miroslav Václavík CZ
17.02.2024 judge Alessandro Zeppi IT
16.02.2024 judge Roxana Opris DK
CH Nelson Golden Victory 2x Kassel 2024 VDH & DRC
Very  successful weekend
2x Anw. Dt.Ch VDH/2x CAC ClubDRC
Kassel DE IRA/CACIB/DRC 13.01.2024 Judge: Daniel Brasa (DE)
Kassel DE IRA/CACIB/DRC 14.01.2024 Judge: Hanni Warendorf (DE)
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